SICE Life Engineering Symposium 2019
and ECTI Biomedical Engineering
8月23日~25日, 2019年
バンコク, タイ
le-symposium[at] ([at]を@にして下さい)
今年度のOSテーマ *2019年6月14日現在
Mussculoskeletal system and their applications
Organizer: Yoshitaka Nakanishi (Kumamoto University)
Bioinstrumentation for Ubiquitous Healthcare
Organizer: Akinori Ueno (Tokyo Denki University)
BME, starting again from Manufacturing
Organizer: Tsuruo Matsuda (Kitakushu University)
Front Line of Foundus Blood Flow -Pathophysiology and Aging, Influence of Lifestyle-
Current Status and Future Prospects of fNIRS International Standard
Clinical and Daily Health Monitoring of Electrocardiographic Analysis, and Various Applications
Quantification of Biological Information and Application to Daily Healthcare
IoT Sensing to Healthcare and Health Risk Prediction and Control
Ubiquitous Healthcare
New Development of Cranial Nerve Measurement by Bioimaging
Neuroengineering Ⅰ
Neuroengineering Ⅱ
Neuroengineering Ⅲ
Observation of the Behavior of the Cranial Nerve Circuit
Neural Control of Human Standing Posture / Walking Movement
Machine Learning and Optimization Techniques in Engineering Application
Human Robot Interaction
XR and Life Engineering
Integrated Sensing Systems and Devices; and Materials for Advanced Education
Bio/Health Informatics and Deep Learning
EEG and its Signal Processing