Guidelines for Preparation of Extended Abstract
(Centered, 20)
SICE Annual Conference
A.B. Bell1, C.D. Thomas2 (Centered, 14)
1 University/Company, Address, Country (centered, 10)
2 University/Company, Address, Country
Abstract: This provides guidelines to authors for preparation of the extended abstract, which is to be presented in camera ready form, including illustrations and tables. You must prepare a PDF or MS-Word file of the manuscript of your extended abstract and send it electronically using the web-based system which will become active at the beginning of January, 2003. Please keep in mind that the manuscript length must be within 800 -- 1000 words. The authors are therefore kindly requested to observe the following instructions for the preparation of their manuscripts. (Justified, 10) |
Keywords: Selected keywords relevant to the subject. |
1. Typing (centered, 16)
The size of the manuscript must be A4 and it should be typed in two
columns with single spacing. The Times Roman typeface of 10 points or
greater is preferred.
The manuscripts should conform to the following specifications.
2. First Page
The title should be centered across the top of the
first page and should be in a distinctive font or in capitals. The
authors' names and addresses should be centered below the title.
The abstract and the main body follow as indicated on this
document. The abstract, which is less than 60 words, should give a
brief account of the most relevant aspects of the paper. The main body
should start with an Introduction that includes a statement of the
purpose and the contribution of the paper.
3. Headings
3.1 Main headings (14)
Main headings are to be column centered in a bold font or in capitals. Leave a space of two lines above and one line below these headings.
3.2 Subheadings
Subheadings should be in a bold font or underlined lower case with initial capitals. They should be placed flush on the left-hand margin of the column.
Sub-subheadings: Sub-subheadings should be in a bold font or underlined type. They should run in at the beginning of the paragraph.
4. Illustrations
Illustrations should be pasted into position on the
typed page as close as possible to the first reference to
them. Photographs may also be pasted into their respective places.
Please note that all illustration material must be supplied in black
and white, as colored lines and photographs will not reproduce to give
an adequate reproduction in the final form. Also please prepare them
before inserting into the manuscript to have as small file as as
possible (i.e. when original file are large, please use some kind on
Each illustration should have a space of approximately two lines above
and one line below. The figure number and caption should be typed
below the illustration. The word 'Figure' should be shortened to 'Fig.'
at the beginning of the figure caption. It should also be shortened
to Fig. in the text except where it begins a sentence.
5. Tables
Tables should be typed within the typed area. Leave one line space after the text and type the table heading, including the table number, above the table. Leave one line space between the heading and the table.
6. Equations
Equations should be typed within the text and should be numbered consecutively throughout the typescript. The equation number should be typed in parenthesis, flush with the right-hand margin of the column. Where mathematical expressions appear in the text requiring more space either above or below the line, then the line containing such characters should be 1.5 spaces below the preceding line and above the following line.
7. References
References should be numbered and appear at the end of the paper. All references listed must be cited in the text at an appropriate point in superscript form as shown at the end of this sentence 1). The form of listed reference is as follows:
8. Additional Information
If you can not access the Conference web site or you have any trouble with sending the PDF/MS-Word file electronically, please make contact with SICE2003 secretary office.
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