主催:計測自動制御学会 企画:離散事象システム部会
題目 | T-SFCによるエレベータ制御の記述 |
著者 | ○横井 哲(日制エンジニアリング) |
概要 | |
題目 | ネットモデル指向シーケンス制御設計法の考察 |
著者 | ○西見安則(九州職業能力開発大学校) |
概要 | In this paper. An algorithm to synthesize a net model (Mark Flow Graph, MFG) from a state transition diagram(STD) is proposed. The key ideas are firstly, to model the control object with finite state automaton which is represented by STD, and secondly to transform the STD to the net model. In the case of transformation, treatment of the parallelism and the non-determinism parts have problems. The transformation algorithm from the information of the position detect sensor in the control object is shown. |
題目 | シーケンス制御プログラムの自動生成 |
著者 | ○青木 猛(名古屋市工業研究所),鈴木達也,大熊 繁, 残間忠直(名大),橋山智訓(名古屋市立大) |
概要 | |
題目 | 離散事象システムの性能改善のための構造と制御則に関する考察 |
著者 | 高橋宏治,○関 淳生(東工大) |
概要 | |
題目 | 分散スーパバイザのオンライン構成法 |
著者 | ○高井重昌(和歌山大),潮 俊光(阪大) |
概要 | In this paper, we study decentralized supervisory control of discrete event systems where local disabling actions are fused by the OR rule. We generalize an on-line procedure for synthesizing decentralized supervisors proposed by Prosser. By using the generalized proceduer, we can achieve a sublanguage of a specification which is not achieved by a class of decentralized supervisors synthesized by the Prosser's procedure. |
題目 | 遺伝的アルゴリズムを用いた多目的評価による生産と物流の最適化 |
著者 | ○川田誠一,小圷孝弘(都立大) |
概要 | In this paper, it is considered a multi objective optimization of manufacturing and logistics by genetic algorithms. The coding in genetic algorithms can represent the combination of products and factories. Simulation results show the effectiveness of the proposed optimization method. |
題目 | 自動搬送車群の自律分散的ジョブ割り当てアルゴリズム |
著者 | 陳 連捷,○宮本俊幸,熊谷貞俊(阪大) |
概要 | In this paper, an autonomous distributed plural jobs taking algorithm of the AGV system is described. The algorithm focuses on efficient job obtaining on each snapshot in system traversal. To inspect the validity of the algorithm, an experiment comparing with the other algorithms has been made. |