計測自動制御学会中部支部 第2回「制御理論ワーキングセミナー」
日 時:2007年11月7日(水) 15:00〜16:30
会 場:名古屋大学 工学部 2号館2階222講義室
講 師:Professer Harry L. Trentelman
題 目:Algorithms
for multidimensional spectral factorization and sum of squares
概 要:
In this talk, algorithms are
presented for the problems of spectral factorization and sum of squares of
polynomial matrices with n indeterminates, and a
natural interpretation of the tools employed in the algorithms is given using
ideas from the theory of lossless and dissipative systems. These algorithms are
based on the calculus of 2n-variable polynomial matrices and their associated
quadratic differential forms, and share the common feature that the
problems are lifted from the original n-variable polynomial context to a
2n-variable polynomial context. This allows to reduce the spectral
factorization problem and the sum of squares problem to linear matrix
inequalities (LMI's), to the feasibility of a semialgebraic set or to a linear eigenvalue
問合せ先: 名古屋工業大学極微デバイス機能システム研究センター
山田 学/電話(052) 735-5545,FAX(052) 735-5546
E-mail : yamada.manabu@nitech.ac.jp