主 催: 計測自動制御学会中部支部
日 時: 2006年8月7日(月) 15:00〜16:30
会 場: 名古屋大学工学部 1号館 143講義室
講師: R. Ortega 先生 (CNRS-SUPELEC)
題目: 20 Years of Passivity Based Control: From Energy Balancing to Power Shaping
講演要旨: Energy is one of the fundamental concepts in science and engineering practice, where it is common to view dynamical systems as energy transformation devices. This perspective is particularly useful in studying complex nonlinear systems by decomposing them into simpler subsystems which, upon interconnection, add up their energies to determine the full system’s behavior. The action of a controller may be also understood in energy terms as another dynamical system itypically implemented in a computer interconnected with the process to modify its behavior. The control problem can then be recast as finding a dynamical system and an interconnection pattern such that the overall energy function takes the desired form. This "energy shaping" approach is the essence of passivity based control a controller design technique that is increasingly dominant in control applications. Since the introduction of this controller design methodology twenty years ago many theoretical extensions and practical applications have been reported in the literature. The theoretical developments include some variations and shortcuts that are useful when dealing with particular classes of systems, and the incorporation of additional features to handle control scenarios other than just stabilization. On the application side the method has provided solutions to a wide variety of physical problems. The purpose of this seminar is to review the fundamental theory, main new results and practical applications of this control system design approach as well as to discuss the current open problems and future directions.
講演者紹介: Romeo Ortega was born in Mexico. He obtained his BSc in Electrical and Mechanical Engineering from the National University of Mexico, Master of Engineering from Polytechnical Institute of Leningrad, USSR, and the Docteur D`Etat from the Politechnical Institute of Grenoble, France in 1974, 1978 and 1984 respectively. He then joined the National University of Mexico, where he worked until 1989. He was a Visiting Professor at the University of Illinois in 1987-88 and at the McGill University in 1991-1992, and a Fellow of the Japan Society for Promotion of Science in 1990-1991. He has been a member of the French National Researcher Council (CNRS) since June 1992. Currently he is in the Laboratoire de Signaux et Systemes (SUPELEC) in Paris. His research interests are in the fields of nonlinear and adaptive control, with special emphasis on applications. Dr Ortega is a Fellow Member of the IEEE. Currently he is an Editor at Large of IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, and an Associate Editor of Systems and Control Letters and International Journal of Adaptive Control and Signal Processing.
参加費: 無料
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